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www edunet tn concours sur dossiers

I understand you’re looking for information about “concours sur dossiers” (application-based competitions) on the Tunisian Ministry of Education’s website, EduNet (

Here’s what I found:

General Information:

  • The EduNet website has a dedicated section for competitions and exams, including application-based ones:
  • There are currently no ongoing application-based competitions listed on the site. However, you can find past competitions and their related information under the “Service2023” tab:
  • The site also provides general information about the application process for competitions, including eligibility criteria and required documents:

Possible Next Steps:

  • Specify your area of interest: Knowing the specific field or type of competition you’re interested in (e.g., education, administration, healthcare) would help me provide more targeted information.
  • Check for updates: As there are currently no ongoing application-based competitions on the site, keep an eye on the “Service2023” tab and the “Inscription aux concours de” page for future announcements.
  • Contact the Ministry of Education: If you have specific questions or need further assistance, you can contact the Ministry of Education through their website or social media channels.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or need further assistance.