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صور فضيحة فستان جوليا روبرتس julia roberts scandal

There are two main instances where Julia Roberts’ name has been associated with “scandal”:

    1. Family history revealed on “Finding Your Roots”: In 2023, Julia Roberts participated in the PBS series “Finding Your Roots,” where she learned through DNA testing that her biological paternal grandfather was not the man she had always believed it to be. This revelation was presented as a “scandal” on the show, as it meant that her family had a secret history that had been hidden for generations. However, Roberts herself並沒有把它视为丑闻,而是把它视为一个有趣的家庭历史发现。
    1. Relationship with Danny Moder: In 2002, Roberts began dating cinematographer Danny Moder, who was married at the time. Some tabloids and媒体报道将她描绘成一个破坏别人婚姻的人,但这从来没有任何证据支持。Moder和他的妻子在2002年分居,并在2003年离婚。罗伯茨和莫德在2004年结婚,他们的婚姻一直很幸福。

It’s important to note that the term “scandal” is often used sensationalize events, and in both of these cases, the reality is more nuanced than the headlines might suggest.