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match egypt today مباشر

Unfortunately, as of today, Monday, January 22nd, 2024, at 10:12 PM EET, there is no official live stream available for free to watch the Egyptian national team play.

However, there are a few options to consider:

**1. Check for TV broadcasts:**

* **Sky Sports Mix:** In the UK, the match between Cape Verde and Egypt will be shown live on Sky Sports Mix.
* **Other regional channels:** Depending on your location, other local channels might be broadcasting the match. You can check online resources like Live Soccer TV or your TV guide for availability.

**2. Streaming services with subscription:**

* **beIN SPORTS:** This sports streaming service offers coverage of the Africa Cup of Nations, including the Egypt match. However, it requires a paid subscription.
* **FuboTV:** This streaming service also offers coverage of the Africa Cup of Nations, but it requires a paid subscription.

**3. Highlights and news updates:**

* **** This website will provide live updates and highlights of the match after it’s finished.
* **Official social media channels of the Egyptian national team and the Africa Cup of Nations:** These channels might offer some live updates and short clips during the match.

Remember that accessing unauthorized streams can be illegal and risky. It’s important to use only reputable sources and services.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.